Propocon Driver Head Cover


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Available now. Exclusive Propcon Head Cover Driver with your name on it.

1. Price Rp. 300.000,- / piece for NON MEMBER, start order now...! send your order to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. Free for PROPCON Member, ONLY with his own name, and who had paid annual fee till June 2011.

3. Order time limit : 30 April 2011

4. Good will be delivered on June 10, 2011 at Tim Mackay Memorial 2011 in Rancamaya


To confirm your name / order which will be printed, plase check at the website and click READ MORE button.


List of order :


No Name
No Name
1. Andi Iskandar 26. Harry Mangindaan
2. VH. Gadjahmada 27. Bambang Ruyoto
3. Timothy Hadiwibawa 28. Anthony Murphy
4. H. Hadinata 29. Suroto Kadir
5. Nyoto Irawan 30. Sarman
6. Charles Kidd 31. Anton Sukartono
7. Slamet Maryono 32. Jay Lee
8. Koko Matthew 33. Marc Dressler
9. Eamon J. Ginley 34. Irwan Handoko
10. Hamid Mundzir 35. Nuramin Wijaya
11. Leo Phoa 36. Heri Effendy
12. Andry Pribadi 37. Paul Tanjung Tan
13. Anthony Setiawan
14. Rusli Setiawan
15. Elman Sunarlio
16. Marudi Surachman
17. Willius Suwandana
18. Patrick Walser
19. Edi Noto Widjaja
20. Derek Williamson
21 Arjoto Wisanto
22. Basuki Muchlis
23. Antonius Lie
24. Handajanto Sundojo
25. Raju Goyal

NON MEMBER ORDER (Rp. 300.000,- / piece):

No. Name
1. Fazri
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