Result : 12nd Propcon Golf Tournament 2013

Best Net I and Best Net II

(please click the picture to enlarge)

From The Captain :

Greetings Propconer's.., after the Not End of the Year Tournamnet 2013 which was held on PSP, we held our 12nd monthly tournament at Palm Hills on Thursday 12 December 2013. Results are attached for your viewing with some interesting scores. Some 12 Members  participated. Congratulations to :

- Best Net I : Mr. Ahmad Zuhriadi
- Best Nett II : Mr. Jens Roestel

To see complete result of monthly score card, please login into the website, then click SCORE CARD sub menu, under MEMBER'S AREA main menu. You are required to register first, before login into the system, therefore if you have not register yet into the website, you will not see the SCORE CARD menu. Should you need to know on how to register into the website, please click THE CLUB menu on the left side, then click THE CLUB FAQ menu. Or..., just click at the bellow Icon.

To see the tournament's pictures please click on this PHOTO GALLERY Menu.

The next monthly tournament will be held on Thursday, Jan 16th 2014, at Soewarna Golf Course, tee off 06:30



Our Address

  Apartemen Tamansari Semanggi, Tower B Unit 10
Jalan Kompleks Polri No. 134
Jakarta 12930
  +62 811 9189 72