![Klub Golf Bogor Raya](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs740.ash1/163213_1769546115963_1158520682_32166912_4693578_n.jpg)
The 2nd Propcon Golf Club Tournament in 2011 together with 2nd round Match Play, will be held @ Klub Golf Bogor Raya on Thursday, February 10, 2011. Tee off will be morning time at 6.30. Be ready...! Please check detail info and register through EVENTS Menu. Click EVENTS at Bogor Raya. You have to register first into this website. To see the upcoming tournament's handicap at Bogor Raya, please click to this HANDICAP menu.
Member's Fee : FREE (excluding meals)
Guest's Fee : IDR 750.000 (excluding meals)
Win trophies, lucky draws and also Hole-in-One Jackpot !!
For registered members/users, please log in at www.propcongolf.com
For guest, please send email through CONTACT US menu
We would appreciate if you register for this tournament as soon as possible.
Please call Riska for further info :
Handphone : 0812 8006 1548
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax : +62 21 25 26 555
Please click the right icon to get the lattest score, your lattest handicap as well as your next opponent battle "Matchplay 2011"...!
You are expected to arrive on time and ready for teeing off at time as specified by the committee. (tee off time) If you are late, this condition will be applied :
- Your opponent shall wait until the last Propcon flight to be teeing off.
- When time due, and you are still not ready yet, your opponent and his flight will start playing, then you loose on that hole.
- If finally you could join the flight i.e. at hole no. 5, you are welcome to continue the match play but you lost 4 holes (hole no. 1,2,3 and 4). So, your opponent win 4 up already, when you start at hole no. 5
- You are also not entitle to win the BEST NETT competition on that day, because you are disqualified.
- Your opponent shall win by committee decision, unless:
- Your opponent is agreed to have the match before of after the date specified ( but at the latest one week before next tournament.
Please compromise this issue and let the committee know the outcome. By sending sms to : Elman Sunarlio 08119843660
CLick Read More for player LIST
1. Bambang Ruyoto - Propcon
2. VH. Gadjahmada - Propcon
3. Rusli Setiawan - Propcon
4. Leo Phoa - Propcon
5. Andry Pribadi - Propcon
6. Basuki Muchlis - Propcon
7. M. Kurniawan
8. Nyoto Irawan - Propcon
9. Sularto
10. Patrick Walser - Propcon
11. Arjoto Wisanto - Propcon
12. Sarman - Propcon
13. Willius Suwandhana - Propcon
14. Irwan Handoko - Propcon
15. Timothy H - Propcon
16. Hari Mangindaan - Propcon
17. Mansyur Tampubolon
18. Antonius Lie - Propcon
19. Suroto - Propcon
20. Edi Noto Widjaja - Propcon
21. Elman Sunarlio - Propcon
22. Anthony Setiawan - Propcon
23. Moh Fazri Yulianto
24. Hadinata - Propcon
25. Anthony Murphy - Propcon
26. Chuck Kidd - Propcon
27. Marc Dressler - Propcon
28. Jay Lee - Propcon
29. Koko Matthew - Propcon
30. Raju Goyal - Propcon
31. Andi Iskandar - Propcon
32. Handajanto S - Propcon