Attention : Due to others tournament at Rancamaya on Thursday 3, June 2010, PROPCON trial play is now changed to Wednesday, 2 June 2010 at 6.30.
Propcon Member Only
Trial Round Before Tim Mackay Memorial
Rancamaya Golf Course
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tee off time 06.30 am
2 Flights free green fee
More than 2 flights, cost will be shared
So member, please BOOK NOW...!
For reservation and further info please call : Riska 0812 8006 1548 or Elman 0811 984 3660
Pre Registered so far :
Timothy Hadiwibawa - Elman Sunarlio - Koko Matthew - VH. Gadjahmada - Leo Phoa - Andy Iskandar - Hans Sundoyo - Edi Noto - Yuki Wiyono - Bambang Ruyoto - Nyoto Irawan - Charles Kidd - Rusli Setiawan - Harry Mangindaan