Media Coverages
Following are some media coverages on the Tim Mackay Memorial. Please click to enlarge those images.
Please click the left images to acces the Media Coverage album and you can zoom it, then read its detail content. |
Following are some media coverages on the Tim Mackay Memorial. Please click to enlarge those images.
Please click the left images to acces the Media Coverage album and you can zoom it, then read its detail content. |
Penyerahan sumbangan secara simbolis (please click the picture to enlarge) |
Gunung Geulis,
“Dana tersebut terhimpun sebagai hasil penyelenggaraan Turnamen Golf Tim Mackay Memorial untuk mengenang Tim Mackay, mantan Presiden Direktur PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk (Holcim Indonesia), yang menjadi korban bom di J.W. Marriott pada 17 Juli 2009,” ungkap Rusli Setiawan, Chairman dari PROPCON Golf Club. “Tim Mackay, selain menjadi pimpinan Holcim
Turnamen yang bertajuk lengkap Tim Mackay Memorial Golf Invitational ini telah diselenggarakan pada tanggal 10 Juni 2010, di Rancamaya Golf Course, dan diikuti oleh 130 peserta dan didukung oleh sejumlah perusahaan besar, seperti PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk, PT. Skefindo Primatama, PT. Adaro Indonesia, PT Syncrum Logistics, Bank Niaga, Bank BCA, dan beberapa perusahaan industri jasa konstruksi yang dimiliki oleh para anggota PROPCON Golf Club. Selain kontribusi yang didapat dari hasil sponsor, dilakukan juga lelang 2 (dua) buah lukisan karya Ginna Rennie, pelukis wanita Australia, serta 40 buah foto hasil karya Tim Mackay.
Turnamen ini akan diselenggarakan secara tahunan, dan dalam setiap kegiatannya akan terus dilakukan penghimpunan dana dari para sponsor / donatur untuk membantu fasilitas pendidikan bagi anak-anak Indonesia. Untuk tahun 2011 telah ditetapkan tanggal pelaksanaannya yaitu pada hari Jumat 10 Juni 2011, di Rancamaya Golf Course, dan dari hasil kegiatan ini PROPCON Golf Club bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Sanggar Akar Anak, akan membantu membangun dan merenovasi fasilitas pendidikan bagi anak-anak kurang mampu yang berlokasi di Jakarta Timur.
The 9th Propcon Golf Club Tournament in 2010, together with Stableford Competition 2010, will be held @ Permata Sentul (PSP) Golf Course on Thursday, September 23, 2010. Tee off will be morning time at 06:30. Be ready...! Please check detail info and register through EVENTS Menu. Click EVENTS at Permata Sentul. Certainly, you have to register first into this website.
To see the upcoming tournament's handicap at Permata Sentul (PSP) Golf Course, please click to this HANDICAP menu.
Member's Fee : FREE
Guest's Fee : IDR 750.000
Win trophies, lucky draws and also Hole-in-One Jackpot !!
For registered members/users, please log in at
For guest, please send email through CONTACT US menu
We would appreciate if you register for this tournament as soon as possible.
Please call Riska for further info :
Handphone : 0812 8006 1548
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax : +62 21 25 26 555
Please click the right icon to get your lattest handicap ...!
Best Net I and Best Net II (please click the picture to enlarge) |
The winners of 8th Monthly PROPCON Golf Club Tournament 2010 @ Gunung Geulis Course on Thursday, August 12 2010 were :
- Best Net I : Mr. Hari Mangindaan
- Best Nett II : Mr. Nyoto Irawan
During this monthly tournament, we also held the the Stable Ford Competition - 2nd round. See the event info for detail information.
To see the complete result of monthly score card as well as result of the Stable Ford Competition - 2nd round, please login into the website, then click SCORE CARD sub menu, under MEMBER'S AREA main menu. You are required to register first, before login into the system, therefore if you have not register yet into the website, you will not see the SCORE CARD menu. Should you need to know on how to register into the website, please click THE CLUB menu on the left side, then click THE CLUB FAQ menu. Or..., just click at the right Icon.
To see the tournament's pictures please click on this PHOTO GALLERY Menu.
Propcon Golf Club
Stableford Competition
Cummulative points is counted fom JULY to NOVEMBER 2010
Based on 3 Best Scorecards
ENTRY FEE RP 300,000,-
Just fill in your scorecard as normally did, the committe will count the score and will be announced on our website. For detail information, please click THIS INFO
Based on the last score tournament at Gunung Geulis Golf Course, August 12nd, 2010, please CLICK HERE to download the result of Stableford Competition.
Our upcoming Monthly Tournament will be on Thursday, September 23rd, 2010 at Permata Sentul (PSP) Golf Course, tee of at 06.30. for detail info please click HERE.
Apartemen Tamansari Semanggi, Tower B Unit 10
Jalan Kompleks Polri No. 134
Jakarta 12930
+62 811 9189 72