The Club News

Result : 3rd Propcon Golf Tournament 2014


We had a great turnout with over 28 players participating, at the fabulous Rancamaya Golf & Country Club. Weather and course condition were in excellent condition, considering the west season on an almost daily basis for the past 3 months, co congratulations to the Management and Course Team at the Club.

The event also marked the 1st round of Propcon's Matchplay event, of which those that could attend, the results are below

WINNER MATCHPLAY 1st ON MARCH 2014 – session 2nd


Those unable to attend or did not contact their respective matchplay partners, are now considered under the rules as a Walk Over W/O and will move on to the consolation round in next months game. Congratulations to those making it through

Result : 2nd Propcon Golf Tournament 2014

Best Net I and Best Net II

(please click the picture to enlarge)

From The Captain :

Greetings Propconer's.., We held our 2nd tournament at Sentul Highland on Thursday 6 February 2014, together with MATCH PLAY COMPETITION 1st ROUND  (SESSION  1) and congratulations to pak Ahmad Zuhriadi who wons 6 up againts to pak Timothy Hadiwibawa. Some 24 Members  and 4 Guest participated in the event, and score results of the game are attached for your viewing. Congratulations to :

- Best Net I : Mr. Ahmad Zuhriadi
- Best Nett II : Mr. Irwan Handoko

We also welcoming our new members on who join PROPCON on Jan and Feb 2014, who are :

1. Pak Antonius Lie, founder of Adeha Group (building materials)
2. Pak Boediono Soerasno, a senior architect and founder of PT. Encona Eng. Inc.
3. Pak Harry Soeria, Director of PT. Sanggraha (property management)
4. Pak Indra Setiadjid, Director of PT. Arkonin (architecture design firm)

Last but not least..., happy birthday on this February month to : Pak Elman, Pak Heri Effendy and our beloved Lia Paramita.

To see the tournament's pictures please click on this PHOTO GALLERY Menu.

The next monthly tournament will be held on Thursday, March 6th 2014, at Rancamaya Golf Course, tee off 06:30



Result : 1st Propcon Golf Tournament 2014

Best Net I and Best Net II

Greetings from the Golf Committee at Propcon!

Hope 2014 has begun with cautious optimism and that Members are all truly filled with positive spirits, however more important your friendships, camaraderie and golf moves positively forward at Propcon Golf. Last week’s Cengkareng Golf event was certainly lower in attendance however the recent rainy season most likely had something to do with it. Congratulations to Pak Ahmad Zuhriadi who won Best Net 1 and Pak AndryPribadi who won Best Net 2 in the event.

Best Performance Player 2013

Congratulations to 2013’s Most Improved player, Pak Ahmad Zuhriadi, who delivered an impeccable recovery to taking out this award, with a DVD Blue Ray Player sponsored by PT. Masgo Muriyo Jaya (thanks to Pak Hadinata..!). This year's award for the Most improved player will be sponsored by PT. Pembangunan Jaya, and the prize will be announced in the coming month.

2013 Matchplay winner

The 2013 Matchplay results ended up with a great and challenging win to Pak Andry Pribadi who beat Pak Nyoto Irawan, congratulations to both of you once again and to all 2013 participants.

To improve the format and implement a simpler system, our Vice Captain, Pak Jens along with the Committee have hopefully improved the system. There will be 2 diagram matchplay tournament, see attached : The Match Play 2014 and Consolation Match Play 2014 rounds. So for those available for play on Thursday 6 February 2014 at Sentul Highlands Golf Club, please make yourself available at 6.30am and register with Ms. Lia.

The event

Again, if you have a friend or business acquaintance who wants to further their network playing a fantastic sport and having fun, please forward his name and details to Ms. Lia, who will have our Members Committee contact them to discuss the options available.

Also please check out the latest Handicap adjustments for 2014 on our website and attached.

Happy Golfing Propconers and look forward to seeing you at Sentul Highlands

Captain Marc

Result : 12nd Propcon Golf Tournament 2013

Best Net I and Best Net II

(please click the picture to enlarge)

From The Captain :

Greetings Propconer's.., after the Not End of the Year Tournamnet 2013 which was held on PSP, we held our 12nd monthly tournament at Palm Hills on Thursday 12 December 2013. Results are attached for your viewing with some interesting scores. Some 12 Members  participated. Congratulations to :

- Best Net I : Mr. Ahmad Zuhriadi
- Best Nett II : Mr. Jens Roestel

To see complete result of monthly score card, please login into the website, then click SCORE CARD sub menu, under MEMBER'S AREA main menu. You are required to register first, before login into the system, therefore if you have not register yet into the website, you will not see the SCORE CARD menu. Should you need to know on how to register into the website, please click THE CLUB menu on the left side, then click THE CLUB FAQ menu. Or..., just click at the bellow Icon.

To see the tournament's pictures please click on this PHOTO GALLERY Menu.

The next monthly tournament will be held on Thursday, Jan 16th 2014, at Soewarna Golf Course, tee off 06:30



The Not end of the Year 2013 - Propcon Tournament

zoom Please click to enlarge

When ? -    Friday 29th November@ PERMATA SENTUL PSP (Exit Toll SirkuitSentul). Registration from 11.30 am, with Goodie Bag, Snack Lunch; Tee off from 12.30 pm.

One Mulligan Buyback, Bullseye, and lucky Pin Par 3 available.Join us for this Great Golf Day Out with Fantastic Prizes, BanyakLucky Draws, On Course Cash Games, Hole in One, Snack Lunch, Scrumptious Buffet Dinner, Entertainment and a special Appearance by Santa Claus and his rain Deer helpers. Satu lagi Beer, wine and soft drinks during dinner, so make sure you have a SOPIR READY….

Fully Paid Members: FREE    Members Guest: Rp 1,000,000 (limited to 2 per Member)

For Reservations BOOK NOW WITH LIA @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Mobile 0821 220 80919 but hurry spaces nearly FULL.

Best Performance Player, August 2013


Dear Propconers,

Propcon will select Best Performer Player 2013.

Play minimum 8 monthly tournaments/Propcon Event, your last handicap index in December 2013 will be counted and compare to your initial handicap index at the beginning of 2013. SONY Blue Ray Player will be yours as the best performance player in 2013, proudly presented by MASGO MURIYO JAYA

Should you need to know on the example of score calculation, please click on this INFO.

 Based on score in the last Propcon monthly tournament in February 2013, please click the icon on the right side to get YOUR CURRENT SCORE Your_Current_score01





Result : 8th Propcon Golf Tournament 2013

Best Net I and Best Net II

(please click the picture to enlarge)

From The Captain :

Greetings Propconer's.., We held our eighth tournament at Royale Jakarta on Thursday 1 Agustus 2013, along with the 2013 Stableford Competition. Results are attached for your viewing with some interesting scores. Some 21 Members and guests participated. Congratulations to :

- Best Net I : Mr. Divya
- Best Nett II : Mr. Nyoto Irawan

To see complete result of monthly score card, please login into the website, then click SCORE CARD sub menu, under MEMBER'S AREA main menu. You are required to register first, before login into the system, therefore if you have not register yet into the website, you will not see the SCORE CARD menu. Should you need to know on how to register into the website, please click THE CLUB menu on the left side, then click THE CLUB FAQ menu. Or..., just click at the bellow Icon.

To see the tournament's pictures please click on this PHOTO GALLERY Menu.

The next monthly tournament will be held on Thursday, Sept 5th 2013, at Imperial Karawaci Golf Course, tee off 06:30



Our Address

  Apartemen Tamansari Semanggi, Tower B Unit 10
Jalan Kompleks Polri No. 134
Jakarta 12930
  +62 811 9189 72