Membership Category

1. Founder Member
Joining fee Rp 7.000.000,-
Annual fee Rp 2.500.000,-

- Free 1 (one) time play golf on the Propcon Founder Member Golf Tournament
- Free advertisement and full access on Propcon website
- Free payment of Hole-in-One Jack-pot (Rp 100.000,- ) on Propcon Monthly Tournament
- Cash Prizes for Best Net I and Best II Winners on Propcon Monthly Tournament
- Special fee (Rp 350.000,-) on Propcon Monthly Tournament

2. Gold Member
Annual fee Rp 3.000.000,-

- Full website access and 50% discount for advertisement on Propcon website
- Cash Prizes for Best Net I and Best II Winners on Propcon Monthly Tournament
- Special fee (Rp 350.000,-) on Propcon Monthly Tournament

Please transfer the payment to:
            CIMB-Niaga Bank cab. Warung Buncit - Jakarta
            a/n Zaelani Koko Matthew & Rusli Setiawan
            Account No. 727 300 78888

and send bank transfer copy by fax to +62 21 25 26 777 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Note:  get one Propcon T-shirt for free if we receive the payment before end of May 2009)
If you need further info, please do not hesitate to contact Riska Handayani at +62 812 800 61 548.

Our Address

  Apartemen Tamansari Semanggi, Tower B Unit 10
Jalan Kompleks Polri No. 134
Jakarta 12930