Propcon Fee 2011-2012

members onlyDear Propconers,


Based on our last Inaugural Founders Member meeting 2011, please be advised that the  Propcon Annual fee 2011-2012 will be in the amount of IDR 9,500,000/year.


The annual fee is applicable for existing Platinum Members, Annual Members and for the upcoming  new member as well.


Invoice to all members will be sent starting  on May 2011, and it should be paid before June 2011 by transfer to PROPCON account or by credit card.  Member who had paid the annual fee 2011-2012 will be entitled to join Propcon monthly tour in July 2011 - June 2012.


Starting July 2011, Guest fee will be in the amount of IDR 1,000,000.


Thank you,

VH. Gadjahmada

Club Secretary