Result : 12th Monthly PROPCON Golf Club Year End Tournament 2010 & Seminar with Mr. Sandiaga Uno

Best Net I, Best Net II, and Mr. Sandiaga Uno (click to enlarge)

The winners of 12th PROPCON Golf Club Year End Tournament 2010 & Seminar with Mr. Sandiaga Uno @ Soewarna - Cengkareng Golf Course on Friday, December 17, 2010 were :


- Best Net I : Mr. Suroto
- Best Nett II : Mr. Suluh Dinata


Thanks to Mr. Sandiga Uno who had presented the Economy Outook of Indonesia in 2011 and beyod. During the tournament, we also held :

- Presentation of the progress development of SD Malabar, as our charity donation from Tim Mackay Memorial 2010 event, which presented by Mr. Raju Goyal (Holcim)

- Presentation on upcoming Tim Mackay Memorial 2011, which will be held at Rancamaya on Friday, June 11, 2011

- Announcement of the winner of Stable Ford Competition. See the event info for detail information.


To see the complete result of monthly score card as well as result of the Stable Ford Competition, please login into the website, then click SCORE CARD sub menu, under MEMBER'S AREA main menu. You are required to register first, before login into the system, therefore if you have not register yet into the website, you will not see the SCORE CARD menu. Should you need to know on how to register into the website, please click THE CLUB menu on the left side, then click THE CLUB FAQ menu. Or..., just click at the right Icon.


To see the tournament's pictures please click on this PHOTO GALLERY Menu.