10,000 visitors to our website
Your product banner will be watched by 60 different visitors each day, at www.propcongolf.com
In commemoration to celebrate the first 10,000 visitors to our website, we are having a promotion for our website ad placements
50% discount
to promote your product in our website
only : Rp. 300.000 *
per month, per banner position
- You can choose any place to put your banner, between 4 available placements.
- 1 banner per product
- Limited to maximum 5 banner per position
- This offer only valid from June - Dec 2010
* for Platinum Member you only have to pay Rp.150.000
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for detail info.
For detail info of ad banner regular price, please cick HERE.