The Club News

Holcim Indonesia Perkenalkan Konsep Ecohome

Holcim Indonesia Perkenalkan Konsep Ecohome
Konstruksi Berkelanjutan untuk Pembangunan yang berkelanjutan

Solo, 30 Oktober 2009. PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk. (Holcim Indonesia), bekerja sama dengan sejumlah mitra usaha serta Akademi Teknik Mesin Industri (ATMI) Solo, meresmikan gedung International Development Centre (IDC) ATMI di Solo, Jawa Tengah, hari ini. Peresmian ditandai dengan pemukulan gong oleh Direktur Marketing & Innovation Holcim Indonesia, Patrick Walser bersamaan dengan pembukaan tirai oleh Romo Andreas Sugiyopranoto, Direktur ATMI disaksikan para undangan.

Patrick Walser dan Romo Andreas Sugiyopranoto berjabat tangan usai peresmian Gedung International Development Centre (IDC) atau ECO-HOME di Solo. Tampak dibelakang perspektif gedung IDC yang diresmikan.

“Konsep eco-home, yang menjadi konsep dasar bangunan IDC ini adalah merupakan inovasi baru, dan bagian dari kontribusi Holcim Indonesia untuk sustainable development (pembangunan berkelanjutan) di Indonesia,” ungkap Patrick. “ Kami harap konsep eco-home ini akan bisa diterapkan untuk konstruksi-konstruksi lain, terutama perumahan masyarakat.”

Sustainable Jakarta Convention

Interested in exploring commercial opportunities within the green built environment?

Skyscrapers and new building projects are adding to our skyline every day – making infrastructure development one of the hottest issues in Jakarta today. This is one of the reasons the city is rallying together this November for the two-day Sustainable Jakarta Convention held between November 10th-11th at the Four Seasons Hotel in Jakarta. We would be very pleased for you to join us.
We’ll be hearing the very best ideas for developing a sustainable future for Jakarta: and that’s something you really shouldn’t miss!

18th Propcon Golf Club @ Riverside Golf Club

The next 18th Propcon Golf Club Tournament will be held @ Riverside Golf Club on Thursday, November 5, 2009. Tee off will be morning time at 6.30. Be ready...! Please check detail info and register through EVENTS Menu. Click EVENTS at Riverside. Certainly, you have to register first into this website. To see the upcoming tournament's handicap at Riverside GC, please click to this HANDICAP menu. (it will be uploaded soon)

Thanks to PT. BAM Decorient Indonesia  as the main sponsor of this tournament. Their team will hold presentation during break time.

Fine-Tune Your Stroke

The ability to control putterhead speed translates into the ability to control the speed of the ball [ ... ]

One Hand Control

In everyday life, we rarely use both hands to accomplish a motor task. This is one of the reasons w [ ... ]

Get Reckless

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Focus On The Finish

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Connect The Rights

In the boxing world, the fighter who can connect his rights has a good shot of knocking out his oppo [ ... ]

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A Call To Arms

Every golfer will experience periods of inconsistent ballstriking, low confidence and a general sens [ ... ]

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Three Mistakes

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