The Year End Golf Tournament and Seminar 2010

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The Year End Golf Tournament and Seminar 2010 will be held @ Soewarna Golf Club - Cengkareng on Friday, December 17, 2009. Tee off will be noon time at 12.30. Be ready...! Please check detail info and register through EVENTS Menu. Click EVENTS atSoewarna Golf Club - Cengkareng . Certainly, you have to register first into this website. To see the upcoming tournament's handicap at Soewarna Golf Club - Cengkareng, please click to this HANDICAP menu.


Seminar & Panel Discussion
Mr. Sandiaga Uno - Founder & Chairman of PT. Saratoga Investama Sedaya

"Indonesia Economy Outlook in 2011 and beyond"


Member's Fee and Invitation: FREE
Guest's Fee (limited players) : IDR 500.000 (incl : lunch snack and dinner)

Win trophies, lucky draws and also Hole-in-One Jackpot !!

For registered members/users, please log in at
For guest, please send email through CONTACT US menu
We would appreciate if you register for this tournament as soon as possible.
Please call Riska for further info :

Handphone : 0812 8006 1548

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax : +62 21 25 26 555

Click READ MORE for the list of registered players


Please be noted on following priority player registration rules :
1. Number of players are limited to 70 players, as we already booked to Soewarna - Cengkareng.
2. First priority will be given to Propcon members, and Invitation.
3. Invitation will be given to the sponsor companies of Tim Mackay Memorial 2010.
4. Second priority will be given to guest player and to a player who is asked to join by Invitation.
5. Again, the registration will be set on first come first served basis.

Thank you very much for your understanding.



1. Elman Sunarlio - Propcon
2. VH. Gadjahmada - Propcon
3. Koko Matthew Z - Propcon
4. Chuck Kidd - Propcon
5. Edi Noto Widjaja - Propcon
6. Nyoto Irawan - Propcon
7. Slamet Maryono - Propocon
8. Suroto - Propcon
9. Anthony Setiawan - Propcon
10. Arjoto Wisanto - Propcon
11. Bambang Ruyoto - Propcon
12. Raju Goyal - Propcon
13. Herman Moeliana - Propcon
14. Anthony Murphy - Propcon
15. Yuki Wijono - Propcon
16. Handajanto Sundojo - Propcon
17. Andri Pribadi - Propcon
18. Basuki Muchlis - Propcon
19. Sarman - Propcon
20. Hadinata - Propcon
21. Harry Mangindaan - Propcon
22. Andi Iskandar - Propcon
23. Leo Phoa - Propcon
24. Willius Suwandhana - Propcon
25. Antonius Lie - Propcon



1. Marc Dressler
2. Rieza Fitramuliawan
3. Mansyur L. Batubara
4. Mansyur Tampubolon
5. Hanggono W



1. Djoko Mulyono (PAID)
2. Dedy Eko Sukamto
3. Paul Tan
4. Bambang Widjaja - Nyoto Irawan's friend (PAID)
5. Budi Setianto - Nyoto Irawan's friend (PAID)
6. Iwan Tjokrosendjojo - Nyoto Irawan's friend (PAID)
7. Dicky Gravianto (PAID)
8. Suluh Dinata
9. Eddywar
10. Rifqi
11. M. Kurniawan
12. Halim
13. Irwan Handoko - Elman Sunarlio's friend (PAID)
14. Junaedy - Basuki Muchlis's friend
15. Boediono Soerasno - VH. Gadjahmada's friend (PAID)
16. Dani Ahmad
17. Handaya Susanto - Hadinata's friend (PAID)
18. Teguh Rusyanto - Mansyur L. Batubara's friend (PAID)
19. Ramses - Mansyur L. Batubara's friend (PAID)
20. Yahya Awad - Mansyur L. Batubara's friend (PAID)
21. Bagus K Gyat - VH. Gadjahmada's friend (PAID)
22. Rully Harianto - VH. Gadjahmada's friend (PAID)
23. Suhendra
24. Harry Hendrawan - Suhendra's friend (PAID)
25. D. Setiaji Hadiprayitno - Dicky Gravianto's friend (PAID)
26. Widiyanto - Koko Matthew's friend
27. Bambang Mustakim - Basuki Muchlis's friend
28. Azis - Koko Basuki Muchlis's
29. Harry Bram
30. Tongat

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