PROPCON Tournament @ Rancamaya on Friday, 10 June 2011


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Dear Propconers,
Enclosed please find ticket for PROPCON Tournament @ Rancamaya on Friday, 10 June 2011, tee off time 6.30, prior to Tim Mackay Memorial in the afternoon.
This ticket is FREE for all Propcon Members who wish to play in the morning.

The tickets are very limited, so please distribute the ticket to your colleagues asap. Ticket price for guest : IDR 1.100.000,-

Term and condition :
• F&B during tournament is included (breakfast & lunch)
• Win throphies and fabulous lucky draws : 42" LCD TV, Blackberry etc.
• Hole In One prizes all par three (BMW, Infinity and cash prize)
• Included one complimentary dinner for the evening event

First come first served, and please pay in advance to PROPCON account :

CIMB-Niaga Bank, Cabang Tomang Tol- Jakarta,
Account No. 177 - 01 - 00535 - 00 - 8
Bank BCA , KCP Suryopranoto, Jakarta
Account No. 261 – 3030352

and send bank transfer copy by fax to:
+62 21 25 26 555 / +62 21 765 9855 or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For reservation and further info please call Riska : 0812 800 61548
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