Result : 2nd Propcon Golf Tournament 2014

Best Net I and Best Net II

(please click the picture to enlarge)

From The Captain :

Greetings Propconer's.., We held our 2nd tournament at Sentul Highland on Thursday 6 February 2014, together with MATCH PLAY COMPETITION 1st ROUND  (SESSION  1) and congratulations to pak Ahmad Zuhriadi who wons 6 up againts to pak Timothy Hadiwibawa. Some 24 Members  and 4 Guest participated in the event, and score results of the game are attached for your viewing. Congratulations to :

- Best Net I : Mr. Ahmad Zuhriadi
- Best Nett II : Mr. Irwan Handoko

We also welcoming our new members on who join PROPCON on Jan and Feb 2014, who are :

1. Pak Antonius Lie, founder of Adeha Group (building materials)
2. Pak Boediono Soerasno, a senior architect and founder of PT. Encona Eng. Inc.
3. Pak Harry Soeria, Director of PT. Sanggraha (property management)
4. Pak Indra Setiadjid, Director of PT. Arkonin (architecture design firm)

Last but not least..., happy birthday on this February month to : Pak Elman, Pak Heri Effendy and our beloved Lia Paramita.

To see the tournament's pictures please click on this PHOTO GALLERY Menu.

The next monthly tournament will be held on Thursday, March 6th 2014, at Rancamaya Golf Course, tee off 06:30



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