Result :5th Propcon Golf Tournament 2014


Participants of the event

Another fantastic event saw over 24 Members and Guests participate in our monthly event at Bogor Lakeside Golf Club. As a request by several Members, Tee off was in the afternoon. We were unfortunately rained out 5 holes, however the day was enjoyed by all who attended.  The course condition was not the best as greens continued to under perform and this will be considered the next time the Club chooses a golf club, to ensure greens and course in general is to an acceptable standard.

Matchplay Round 3 Results

Due to some cancellations only 2 matchplay matches were played and the results are below.

Elman Sunarlio vs Heri Effendy = 6 up

Jens Roestel vs Rully Hanandia = 2 up

Due to the no of Members not being able to attend or ill, the 3rd round will be played at next months event at May 2014 of which a reminder will be sent later in the month. Also at this event the consolation rounds will be played for those Members loosing in the 1 round of the Matchplay, so please if you are available, please make a point of turning up and playing so we can continue with the format. Your committee is also looking at how to improve various formats to the monthly events for the next season and will consider adding or dropping events.

Results of the Bogor Lakeside Monthly Tournament

We had several guests playing:
1.    Bapak  Danang
       Guest of Pak Yuki Wiyono

2.    Bapak Suluh
       Guest of Pak Yuki Wiyono

3.    Bapak Sonny Nugroho
       Guest of Pak Yuki Wiyono

4.    Bapak Gedion
       Guest of Pak Yuki Wiyono

5.    Bapak  Surya
       PT  MURINDA
       Guest of Pak Yuki Wiyono,

6.    Bapak Erick Prawira
      Guest of Pak Yuki Wiyono

7.    Ibu Rosliani
       Guest of Pak Hadinata

As rain stopped our play, all players had just about finished up to 13 holes, and the committee decided with the balance (remaining 5 holes) members automatically received pars for the their scores.

Best Nett I : Bp. Sonny Chandra Best Nett II : Bp. Hans Sundojo

So Best Nett I Winner with a net score of 65 Gross Score - 81 Hçap of 16 was Bapak Sonny Chandra

And Best Nett II Runner Up with a  net score of 65 Gross Score - 84 Hçap of - 19 was Bapak Handajanto Sundojo

Congratulations all players and of course a nice bunch of Lucky Draw prizes. Somebody masih pakai Dukun as they won last month at Imperial and again here, that was Bapak Rully Hanandia for winning the TV again.

Next month event will be held on Thursday 5th June 2104, at Permata Sentul tee off time 06.30 AM so look forward to seeing you there.


Again, Propcon together with Golf Events Indonesia is proud to be associated with this annual Golfing event, in which the Committee, together with our Sponsors, help to fund and provide education needs to the underprivileged and needy Indonesian children. Now in its 5th year, Tim Mackay,  the former CEO of PT Holcim Indonesia, who sadly lost his life in the 2009 Marriott hotel bombs,  was all about giving back to the Indonesian community and what better way then through its children. So this event continues to help several projects around Indonesia. This year the committee will continue to fund several shelters under ISCO which have some 17 shelters which include education for the needy. Your support is also important and we are still looking for several Corporate sponsors to aid the cause. As Propcon members, there will be a special price to play as individual players in which you will be grouped up with other members and non members of Propcon. The event is a great day out, with an all inclusive day of food and beverages, Great lucky Draws, hole in one’s and a range of entertainment to keep you happy until the evening.

For further information on how to participate or join as a Corporate Sponsor, contact Ms Lia on email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Mobile : 0821 2208 0919 or Ms Isma  Wootten from Golf Events Indonesia on email  : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Tel. (62-21) 3190 0097 / Fax. (62-21) 3141 852


Birthday boys

As a tradition, we always wish all our Members well and this month we pass on our good wishes to Bapak Hadinata and  Bapak  Irwan Handoko who celebrate. Please don’t forget to invite us for your special lunch ya Gents. All the best and may your Golf improve more this year. All the very best from all of us at Propcon.

So remember this the next time you think about life and Golf :

“They say Golf is like life, but don’t believe them. Golf is more complicated than that”- Gardner Dickinson

“Golf gives you an insight into human nature, your own as well as your opponent’s”- Grantland Rice


Captain Marc

To see the tournament's pictures please click on this PHOTO GALLERY Menu.


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