The Club News

The 8th Propcon Golf Club Tournament in 2010

Dear Propconers,
We had finished one of the most prestigious and grandest tournament of the year to honour Tim Mackay and in doing so we have raised in total an amount of Rp. 440,000,000.00.
We have set the date of the official handover of the fund to the Yayasan Sinar Eka Bangau Putih on Thursday 12 August 2010, at Gunung Geulis 10 am, and we hope that all members to bring also their friends in celebration for this important ceremony.
After the event we will continue with our monthly golf tourney, as following info, and so please mark it in your calendar to reserve for this important date.
Thank you and hope to see you all..


Gunung GeulisThe 8th Propcon Golf Club Tournament in 2010, together with Stableford Competition 2010, will be held @ Gunung Geulis Golf Course on Thursday, Augutst 12, 2010. Tee off will be noon time at 12.30. Be ready...! Please check detail info and register through EVENTS Menu. Click EVENTS at Gunung Geulis. Certainly, you have to register first into this website.

To see the upcoming tournament's handicap at Gunung Geulis Golf Course, please click to this HANDICAP menu.


Member's Fee : FREE (including complimentary breaking fast menu)
TMK sponsor's Fee : IDR 500.000 (including complimentary breaking fast menu)
Guest's Fee : IDR 750.000  (including complimentary breaking fast menu)

Win trophies, lucky draws and also Hole-in-One Jackpot !!

For registered members/users, please log in at
For guest, please send email through CONTACT US menu
We would appreciate if you register for this tournament as soon as possible.
Please call Riska for further info :

Handphone : 0812 8006 1548

Email :
Fax : +62 21 25 26 555




Please click the right icon to get your lattest handicap ...!


Stableford Competition 2010 - 1st round result


Propcon Golf Club
Stableford Competition

Cummulative points is counted fom JULY to NOVEMBER 2010
Based on 3 Best Scorecards

ENTRY FEE RP 300,000,-


Just fill in your scorecard as normally did, the committe will count the score and will be announced on our website. For detail information, please click THIS INFO


Based on the last score tournament at Royale Golf Course, July 8th, 2010, please CLICK HERE to download the result of Stableford Competition.


Our upcoming Monthly Tournament will be on Thursday, August 12nd, 2010 at Gunung Geulis Golf Course, tee of at 12.30. for detail info please click HERE. (Note : vasting break is available).





Best Performance Player 2010 - July

bbboldPropcon will select Best Performance Player 2010, based on score of your appearance in our event tournaments during 2010, as well as your handicap index progress. Player with highest score at the end of the year will be The BEST PERFORMANCE PLAYER 2010 and entitle to win BlackBerry prize from our sponsor : PT. SANWELL AUSTINDO


Should you need to know on the example of score calculation, please click on this INFO.


Based on score in the last Propcon monthly tournament in July 2010, please click the icon on the right side to get YOUR CURRENT SCORE Your_Current_score01






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  Apartemen Tamansari Semanggi, Tower B Unit 10
Jalan Kompleks Polri No. 134
Jakarta 12930