Golf Article

How to Groove an On-Plane Backswing

This story is for you if...

1. You don't feel confident about your backswing.

2. You tend to swing over the top.

Try This!

To get your swing on plane you need to groove a solid position at the top of your backswing. You can practice this a dozen different ways, but here's the easiest.

As you make your backswing, slide your right hand to the bottom of the grip. Notice how this causes your right elbow to fold naturally and your left arm to stay straight and stretch across your chest instead of lifting up, which is a common result of an exaggerated inside move in the takeaway.

After a number of repetitions you should start to feel more comfortable at the top of your swing, and you'll notice a different sensation as you start your move down. Try swinging with your normal grip immediately after repeating this drill several times and the sensation should stay with you. Continue alternating between the drill and regular swings until they feel similar. You should quickly see the shape of your shots change from a slice to a straight ball, or even to a bit of a draw.


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Get Cheek to Cheek

What It Is

An easy way to stop you from moving your hips and midsection closer to the ball through impact, an error that typically leads to weak shots that leak to the right and overall poor ballstriking.

How To Do It

Follow these steps:

1) Set up with your backside against your golf bag.

2) Swing your club to the top while maintaining contact with the bag.

3) Swing down through impact, making sure to remain in contact with the bag

4) Repeat.

The secret is to focus on each cheek: Touch the bag with your right cheek on your backswing, and with your left cheek on your downswing. Make sure you rotate around your spine instead of moving laterally and you'll have an easier time doing this correctly.

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How to Beat the Breaks

This story is for you if...

1. You always read your putts from behind the ball...

2. ...even on severely sloping greens

The Fault

You're missing badly on breaking putts, which leads to fewer birdies and pars and more bogeys. The simple reason for your struggle is poor green-reading technique and alignment.

The Fix

If you want to get a proper read, you need to look at the putt from behind the line you plan to start the ball on, rather than the one that runs directly from the ball to the hole. To do so, pick a spot where you think the apex of the putt (maximum break) will be and examine the putt by looking from behind your ball to that spot. Set the putterhead square to the chosen target line and then walk into your setup, always keeping in mind that your actual target is the apex of the break, not the hole. Stroke the putt to this spot without being distracted by the actual hole. Use this technique consistently, and your green-reading — as well as your results on breaking putts — will improve dramatically.

Align Design
Finding your ball-to-apex line is only half the battle — you must also be able to align your putterface square to it. Any good putter will feature effective aiming lines. If yours doesn't, consider purchasing a new model. I designed a line of Coutour putters with a large arrow on the back end to help you point your putter easily and consistently. For more info, visit


By Todd Sones,

GOLF Magazine Top 100 Teacher

Source :
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