Article Index

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Foto Name Company
Profile Arjoto Aryoto Wisanto BAM Decorient Indonesia, PT
profile ari wirawan Ari Wirawan HOLCIM Indonesia, Tbk
profile Benny Kwan Benny Kwan  
profile boediono soerasno Boediono Soerasno Encona Inti Industri, PT
profile Tmothy Hadiwibawa Budi Setianto  
Profile Derek William Derek Williamson Conwood Indonesia, PT
profile eric prawira Eric Prawira Murinda Iron Steel, PT
Logo Propcon Erick Purwanto Balfour Beatty Sakti Indonesia, PT
Profile edi noto Edinoto Wijaya Murinda Iron Steel, PT
Profile Elman Sunarlio Elman Sunarlio Sanwell Austindo, PT
Logo Propcon Fazri Yulianto YTL Semen Indonesia, PT

Our Address

  Apartemen Tamansari Semanggi, Tower B Unit 10
Jalan Kompleks Polri No. 134
Jakarta 12930