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Propcon Monthly Tournament, March 2017

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Propcon Monthly Tournament, March 2017

Attn All Propconers.. bookings now open for 3rd round Qualifying Round Matchplay Tournament Thursday, 2 March 2017 @ Rainbow Hills golf club (PSP), tee off from 6.30 am Blue tees only-
Members : Free
Member Guests: Rp1,250,000 incl. golf, lunch buffet, lucky draw prizes, vouchers and lots of fun - Sponsored cup for 2017, thank u again CRH Mr Patrick Walser. Guest speaker luncheon for a March is sponsored by Dulux Paints.

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Flight 1
1.1 Patrick Walser
1.2 Fazri Yulianto
1.3 Panco N
1.4 Boediono

Flight 2
2.1 Eric Prawira
2.2 Gedion H
2.3 Sudarsono (Gedion Guest)
2.4 Mega (Gedion Guest)

Flight 3
3.1 Elman S
3.2 Christofer
3.3 Surya Sentosa
3.4 Haryono T

Flight 4
4.1 Marc Dressler
4.2 Rinaldy ML
4.3 Benny Kwan
4.4 Surya King

Flight 5
5.1 VH. Gadjahmada
5.2 Juhans
5.3 Aryoto
5.4 Frank Moniaga

Flight 6
6.1 Rusli Setiawan
6.2 Hadinata
6.3 Koko MZ
6.4 Yogi Pratomo

Flight 7
7.1 Sony Chandra
7.2 Rudi VD (Guest)
7.3 Johan S (Guest)
7.4 Rendra Lembong

Flight 8
8.1 Erick Purwanto
8.2 Hendra Adrik Hudiono
8.3 Nyoto Irawan
8.4 Edinoto

Flight 9
9.1 Hadi Kartono
9.2 Bernard Ismawan
9.3 Loeis Tedja
9.4 Harry Soeria

Flight 10
10.1 Jun D Dios
10.2 Irawan Bahtera (Guest)
10.3 Yayan (BBI)
10.4 Handajanto S

Flight 11
11.1 Saleh Sendiko
11.2 Yuki Wiyono
11.3 Hilman L
11.4 Ariawan

Flight 12
12.1  pak Walikota Bekasi
12.2 group pak Walikota
12.3 group pak walikota
12.4 group pak walikota

13.1 Ari Wirawan

Sampai jumpa di Rainbow Golf Club




Guest Players

Our Address

  Apartemen Tamansari Semanggi, Tower B Unit 10
Jalan Kompleks Polri No. 134
Jakarta 12930
   :  admin@propcongolf.com